Climate Catastrophe, Up Ahead

Climate Catastrophe

In a news report that I read today, scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have cautioned that we might be heading for a ‘climate catastrophe’. Titled ‘Global Warming at 1.5ºC’, the analysis which is authored by around 90 scientists at the IPCC, has suggested keeping global temperatures well under 1.5ºC, although we might be going completely off track & heading towards an increase of 3ºC instead! For a perspective, the Paris Agreement had a long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperatures to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels; and to limit the increase to 1.5°C, since this would substantially reduce the risks and effects of climate change. Back home in Canada, several provinces are now preparing to rally against the Trudeau government’s initiative to introduce a carbon tax plan, just as, to my surprise, the Ontario government under Premier Ford scrapped the provincial ‘cap-and-trade’ carbon tax plan, towards, what they described as, “fulfilling the government’s commitment to reducing gas prices by 10 cents per litre.”

The target of 2ºC which was previously thought as reasonably manageable the IPCC now suggests that even going past 1.5ºC is not an option anymore and it would significantly alter the planet’s livability. Hans-Otto Portner, a German scientist who co-chaired one of the panel’s working groups, says:

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“Every extra bit of warming matters, especially since warming of 1.5 C or higher increases the risk associated with long-lasting or irreversible changes, such as the loss of some ecosystems”.[/perfectpullquote]

Simply put, policymakers across the board need to strategize in integrating more sustainable ways to reduce carbon emissions by transforming the biggest calamity facing mankind today into their biggest opportunity to save the species tomorrow. It’s a wake-up call, to say the least.

How We Can Prevent The Climate Catastrophe

As consumers of this vast but fragile ecosystem, we have a grave responsibility to preserve the environment by preventing the temperature of our Earth from going beyond 1.5ºC. The IPCC report states that the ‘climate catastrophe’ could be avoided provided we make some rapid but significant changes to four big global systems – energy, land-use, cities and industry. And without the participation of individuals & entrepreneurs, that target may not be achievable. Here’s a checklist of what we all can collectively do to reduce the carbon footprint:

  • Buy less meat, milk, cheese and butter and more locally sourced seasonal food – and throw less of it away
  • Drive electric cars but walk or cycle short distances
  • Take trains and buses instead of planes
  • Use video conferencing instead of business travel
  • Use a washing line instead of a tumble dryer
  • Insulate homes
  • Demand low carbon in every consumer product

It’s not easy at all, but a sustained interest, widespread promotion & a shared commitment over a period of time could make our planet become greener and cleaner again.