Changes, Challenges, And New Beginnings

Calvin & Hobbes - Changes & Challenges

One out of the many unpreventable consequences of our existence is facing countless changes and challenges of varying magnitudes, both in personal and professional capacities. To our advantage, if it wasn’t about accepting certain changes and tackling the challenges our pursuit of surviving against the odds would be permanently impeded and life itself would become dull and repetitive. Yet there’s no denying the fact that everything is shrouded in ambiguity without any access to answers from the future unless we gauge the situation first-hand.

In short, I could be intellectually prepared to face an unknown confrontation with time but I would have absolutely no control over when that event would occur or even have any visibility of the consequences thereof. Needless to say, there’s always a sense of apprehension lingering about how might I perform to the best of my abilities, and what path I might undertake that would align with my goals when I eventually face the challenge? Or how would that process change me for the better or worse?

A proud and a delightful moment is being unfolded, one that would unimaginably transform my viewpoint on matters relating to ‘challenges’ for the rest of my life. I’m embarking upon a new voyage in rediscovering myself all over again, and regardless of whether I’d end up smarter or lame, this wonderful token of blessing has ‘JOY’ written all over it!