A New Beginning

After months of speculation and extreme lethargy, I am finally out with my website. I had been ‘out of business’ since last year when I lost my motivation to write following numerous changes around in my personal life. I decided the only way to get back to good writing was to launch my 5 year old website with a new design.

I did not set out with a firm expectation on what the design should be or how it should “feel”. Before I finalised the current website I had trashed atleast 3 designs because I was not satisfied with the output. Either it was too colourful or murky or it looked very dull. What was my user going to think about me? it was a question that consistently flashed across my mind. So I stepped into the user’s shoes and began thinking critically. The end-result was a minimalist design that goes against all norms of “good” web design which we have come to admire in this so-called ‘Web 2.0’ world. My aim was to reduce the “noise” while providing the right “signals” to the information seeker. I wanted the visual design element to be invisible such that the likelihood of getting influenced by graphics, colours, etc. and being dragged away from the content I wanted to be consumed was reduced. And so here is that website that begs your utmost love, care and affection.

A few things must be said before leaving this website in the good hands. It’s still in a work-in-progress state so expect a few dead links, a few glitches here and there. Most importantly I am eager to know your views on the overall experience so do not hesitate to leave your comments behind. Happy surfing!