
PayPal Sucks

PayPalAnd I mean it. Last night I logged into my PayPal account to check how much moolah I’ve got. Surprisingly I saw a “limited access” message boldly written on the home page. Upon some frantic searching from some places I found out that I needed to provide certain documents to verify myself. That’s fine but when I clicked on the link to resolve the issue it just wouldn’t give me the checklist of items that I needed to produce. It is quite suffocating to know that my money has been unnecessarily blocked and I can’t appeal against it or speak to them.

My troubles worsened when my case ID couldn’t be found in the database which meant that I do not know why my account has been de-regularised. Inspite of writing 3-4 mails via the contact form on the website, I got the same replies for all of them. It was probably an auto-responder. It sucks to think that Paypal which is handling finances globally should resort to such practices especially when it knows that the users will be located in different geographies and time zones. At this moment I have lost all hopes of getting back my money. The least that I can do is set up another account and hope for some business to come my way. If somebody has faced a similar situation and has a solution please contact me immediately.