
Murphy’s Law – “If anything can go wrong, it will”. My belief in this quote was strengthened last week, in a mail from my host informing me about a serious security breach by an hacker. The maniac rid 16 servers of its valuable data and left me high and dry. I did not have a backup of my blog entries, nor did my respected hosting service. Luckily I had a backup till March 2006 which I am now presenting to you. Please understand that some sections of the blog are yet to be made live and some content might need some polishing. I will take care of those problems eventually.

After such a terrible loss (I am partly responsible for it as well), there was no chance about staying with Webhostplus. After extensive reviews, I shortlisted Bluehost for my website. As of today, the service seems to be pretty good.

The loss is irreversible, the trauma is unbearable but it was good lesson for me to learn – always take backups on the PC! The resurrection is completed and it’s not happening again, I promise.