Goodbye 2005

Phew! the year is over before I could imagine it would but I am not complaining here. Personally 2005 has been a good year for me where I gained a lot of good things. The positives far outweighed the negatives like never before and that has thrilled me beyond comparison. The last time that I remember it happened to me was in 1995 – when I was in my 4th year in art college. I made quite a few friends and roamed the country too. That was also a good year in all respects because I scored some good marks as well.

2005 has been very kind to me. I got confirmed at TCS this year and I also set a focus on what I would like to do in my career that is to pursue my studies in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability. If things would have gone the way I had planned to, I would have been doing research in these fields from a reputed institute in Mumbai but destiny had other plans for me. I attended a seminar conducted by Human Factors International called ‘The Science and Art of Designing Web and Software Applications’ which renewed my interest in usability engineering. I have also started reading a lot of books & articles on the subject which will give me a deep insight into the subject. I also saw a record number of movies this year in the theaters than the previous year. I haven’t kept a count now.

On the other end, there were some sad endings to relationships and some good beginnings too. The tragedies are now being forgotten and it’s now time to cash in on the new beginnings of 2005 and usher into year 2006 :-)