
Retro is Back

RetroGalI had always liked retro figures right from my earlier website and I had also got some good reviews regarding the same. I decided to move away from it because I wanted to try out something different. Now that the earlier design has outlived my expectations it was time for a new set of rules.

Firstly I had to re-install WordPress on my local machine which wasn’t as tedious as I initially thought it would be. Installing it offline meant that I can carry my design development on WordPress without disturbing the original website. For those of you who are interested in knowing more about it, click here. I had always had a colour scheme in my mind which was more youthful then it’s previous avatar and I just had to build a theme around it. The RetroGal – as I like to call all my retro figures, is also back on the header. The entire development took me just over a day & the end result was very satisfying. I hope this small change would enhance the user-experience to a great extent.