
Simply Putting Matters Off

I realized that I have not written on my blog for a month now. You might wonder what the matter is. It is just that I have mastered the art of developing excuses for postponing matters. Things seem to be back on track after I came across this article and realized I needed to do something about my behavior.

Over the past month, a lot of things have occurred around my natural surroundings; some not worthy enough to be mentioned publicly. To begin with, I had started to write a short love story which I managed to complete half-way and paused at a point when it became interesting. It’s too early to say if I have abandoned the idea but I have managed to put it off under the pretext of my ever increasing “mood pangs”. I have often put my work off by saying I do not get enough time which is not true. I have plenty to do but as I said I have learned to postpone things for unexplained reasons.

My daily exercise routine is another victim of my laziness. On early mornings I find it difficult to motivate myself to get out of the coziness of my blankets and work out those muscles to keep healthy under the pretext of sleep and rest. Somehow I think I need to push myself a bit more than I usually do (if at all I do) to kill this pest called procrastination. Let’s say for encouragement — if I am able to respect my personal commitments and time, I am also bound to do well in my professional career. And now I feel nice to have pushed that button and publish this post. I must say thanks to Cindy Loughridge for writing this eye-opening article. Thanks so much Tina.