
Doing What I do Best

Trust me when I say that I like talking and I just don’t simply mean talking. I like intellectual discussions. I hate silence sometimes because my ears are not trained to take silence ‘silently’. Rather I break it and start a discussion on a topic which is relevant to our present time.

Today was a meeting with Richard from TATA Infotech Ltd.. He wanted some help in GUI design and I gave him a discourse on Usability. After 5 hours of confabulations he left with a satisfied look on his face, even wishing me ‘happy birthday’ in advance. You see I love talking. And I love when people appreciate it like Richard did.

There are also times when nothing comes out of your mouth and you are left smiling. This happens when ‘she’ is around and you wonder what to do next. That instant is so difficult that a simple ‘Hi’ seems like you’re chanting some sanskrit mantra and mispronouncing it completely. You fumble and fumble until you give up and turn back to your seat. Those are really tough times mind you. The one place where I resist talking loudly is the suburban train. There might be some prying relative of mine who would report my gabfest to my peers and I would land myself in deep trouble. But I do take my chances always.

The tongue is a dangerous weapon. Much more dangerous then all of Bush’s WMDs. If you use it judiciously you will win laurels if not then be ready for a quarrel. I have got a unique quality of being misunderstood most of the time. I am also construed to be rude when my intentions have been purely noble. I have lost a few folks for this ‘misconduct’. People love to do that to me. Not that I care about it because the insecurities they possess are their own. All said and done, I love to talk and wag my tongue.