
A Trip with Ubuntu

I was nurturing a passion of experiencing Linux first hand. After I read and saw some interfaces over the internet, I decided to try out Ubuntu on my home PC. For the unintiated, ubuntu is a one of the many distros available for the Linux kernel; the others being SuSe, Fedora, Mandriva, etc. You can download a copy of the latest version called “Edgy Eft” or ver 6.10 (ISO file, 698 MB) for ubuntu from this address. Please read the instructions before running the Live CD or installing it on your PC.

Some of the web resources on installing Ubuntu were more frightening than helpful to a non-techie like me. In the end, I decided o play safe and run the Live CD without installing it. Everything went off smoothly and the GUI rocked as well. You can do a lot more with the GNOME desktop and change it in whatever way you want it. If I ever gather the courage to install it myself (ubuntu has apparently eased the process than some of its counterparts) it will no doubt be a fabulous experience working on a parallel OS and grasping the knowledge of some new tools. For the time being, I will enjoy my Ubuntu on the CD.

Check these videos for a live Ubuntu experience.

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