
Usability Training Workshop

Human Factors InternationalI have been keeping busy these days with the User Centered Analysis and Practical Usability Testing workshops at Human Factors International (HFI). The course is very extensive and I hardly get time to spend at home these days. But I am happy that I have found something which I can pursue with great passion. These training sessions are enabling me to better understand the needs and the strategies that are currently being employed to design GUIs.

The User Centric Design course is an extensive one which deals with forming design strategies. These strategies are based upon some studies and surveys which the stakeholder (owner) undertakes before he embarks upon making a full fledged website. The study of design goals and other such criteria enables to better understand the tasks and thus design a better user experience. The Practical Usability Training course deals more with formative prototype testing and interviewing the affected user groups to understand their mental models when they view specific websites. Of course, this is a very shallow explanation that I have given here for both the courses but you can visit the website for more details on training and certification.

We have a large audience this time attending both the courses from all across the country and especially from the bigger Indian IT companies. This accentuates the fact that more and more organizations have started to look at usability as a very important factor for designing web and software applications.

Apple Launches MacbookPro

Apple MacbookproApple never fails to surprise you. Rather it’s a brand you’d always expect some fresh ideas. At the Macworld conference, Steve Jobs unveiled the new Intel chip based MacbookPro. This is the first product to be launched with Intel based chips after Apple switched from IBM Power PC chips.

The Macbookpros are powered by Intel’s new Core Duo processor technology and promise to be 4 times powerful then the G4s!

Also I was happy to note that my long standing wish of including an FM radio along with the iPods has come true. Apple has introduced an FM remote control with the device so music lovers can now play FM radio stations while the information is flashed on their iPod LCDs. Pretty neat eh! Time to think about buying one now.

Coolest Google Doodle

By the time I finish writing this article, most of you guys would have seen it already. You’d rarely come across someone who wouldn’t visit Google at least once in a day. But just before I start mine I have to mention that Google has pulled off one of the most creative doodles of all. This one was to commemorate Louis Braille’s birthday yesterday. Hats-off to the design team at Google.

Google Celebrates Louis Braille\'s Birthday

Ethical Blogging – With IBM

It’s a scary scenario which I read while coming to work. This news paper was carrying an article about the need for corporate bloggers to maintain restraint while writing on the Internet. In our enthusiasm to write we tend to forget our responsibilities toward the organization we are working. The story of Dooce is quite famous in this context. In 2002 Heather Graham was fired from her job as a web designer because she wrote satirical accounts of her experiences under the pseudonym Dooce.

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Google Reader has arrived

Google ReaderFor me, the discovery of the RSS Feed was the single most brave achievement of 2005. The readers gave me an opportunity to compile several chunks of good information from the feeds at one place. I first began by using Newsgator because of it’s online capabilities and I was quite happy with it. Later I switched to Mozilla Thunderbird (yes you heard that right) which is also an excellent RSS reader. it also allows categarization in folders so I can have all my Apple Macintosh related feeds sitting pretty in a folder by the same name. Thunderbird was by far the most loved one but it required installation and wasn’t available online. Not that I travel much but it’s helpful if I can check the same feeds from home as well. But if you are looking for an installable reader, switch to Thunderbird.

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